As mentioned in my previous post there is an epidemic of low testosterone among men throughout the world.
Low Testosterone is often caused by:
●Exposure to heavy metals such a lead and mercury (these are build up over a lifetime of exposure)
●Damage to the testicles (where most of the testosterone is created) from trauma or infection
●Many of the treatments used for cancer, especially radiation, chemotherapy, and even hormone therapy medications for prostate cancer
●Problems with the pituitary gland (gland at the base of the brain). This gland controls most of the hormone-producing organs.
●Many medical problems can cause Low T, particularly liver and kidney illness, high levels of obesity, diabetes, and occasionally infections disesases.
●Rare genetic problems
When should I see a doctor?
If you are suffering from the symptoms of low T, please reach out to us by clicking here. There are many illnesses that can masquerade as symptoms of low T. We can often determine the exact cause of Low T with tests we can perform in our office and the use of blood testing. Often a simple blood test can show if you have low levels of testosterone, but many times other tests are needed to identify the cause.