Low T

Symptoms of low T?

The symptoms of low testosterone are different depending on how long you have had low testosterone.

Initially, those suffering with low testosterone experience:

●Lethargy — Feel tired, particularly at the end of the day

●Lack of interest in Sexy — When you have little or no interest in sex, this can be referred to as having “low libido”

●Depression — Feeling sad, “feeling blue” or “down”, this often starts slowly

If you have had low testosterone for many years, most men develop other symptoms and often other medical problems:

●Decrease of muscle

●Decrease of bone strength

●Loss of body hair (often starts slowly)

●The appearance of breasts where the pectoral muscles are usually located the medical diagnosis for this is gynecomastia.

Symptoms of low testosterone.  Diagnosis of low testosterone.
Symptoms of low testosterone. Diagnosis of low testosterone.

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